Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Civil War Was Inevitable - 1399 Words

The American Civil War took place from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. The simple answer is yes: the Civil War was completely inevitable, but there were many events, documents and people before its beginning that certainly had a large bearing on the war itself. The most divisive political issue in the United States in the mid-1800s was the expansion of slavery, and slavery is certainly the common denominator of the events leading up to the Civil War. People from the North were abolitionists, looking to abolish slavery and see those enslaved lead more fruitful lives. It would be incorrect to say that the United States couldn’t have survived without slavery, but slaves certainly played an extremely integral role in the economy and social structure of the South, which is why Southerners may have been so opposed to abolition. The Civil War was inevitable; a result of the aftermath of such events in history as the Compromise of 1850, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Bleeding Kansas, Dred S cott v. Sanford, and the Battle of Fort Sumner, which ultimately began the war. The first important kick-starter to the Civil War was the Compromise of 1850. Henry Clay drafted this document in an attempt to defuse the political disarray between slave states and free states in many different ways. In summary, the document is as follows: â€Å"Resolved, that California ought to be admitted as one of the States of this Union, without an imposition in respect to the exclusion or introduction of slavery†¦Resolved, thatShow MoreRelatedWas The Civil War Inevitable?1724 Words   |  7 Pages WAS THE CIVIL WAR INEVITABLE? Shannon Olivolo History 101: US History I 5 May 2017 The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest and deadly wars in US history, with over two percent of the population dying during war from either disease or injuries (Reilly 2016). One may question why this war was the most deadly in history and could it have been prevented. A vast majority of historians will argue that this war was inevitable due to many precipitating factors, mainly being theRead MoreThe American Civil War Was Inevitable1975 Words   |  8 Pagesitself cannot stand were the words of Abraham Lincoln in a republican convention on June 17,1858 in Illinois. The inevitable debate over slavery, popular sovereignty, the publishing of Uncle Toms Cabin, and Lincolns election would eventually have brothers versus brothers fighting each other in a bloody war. Religion, economics and the lost of power made the civil war an inevitable one. Popular sovereignty is the ideal that people could choose their laws such ideal Lewis Cass first broughtRead MoreWas the American Civil War Inevitable?2559 Words   |  11 PagesWas the American civil war inevitable? The civil war was inevitable, only however, after one key event; the cotton gin made the civil war inevitable. 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