Monday, February 24, 2020

The Fifth Replies of Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Fifth Replies of Descartes - Essay Example The Fifth Replies of Descartes The argument in question is the argument of Discourse. The problem with this counter argument is the inherent bias. There is a premise and theres a conclusion if one accepts the premise the conclusion must be accepted. Renà ©e Descartes says that he knows he exists it is inherent that he knows what he is and what his nature is, it is the very definition of establishing his existence. This knowledge (of existing) cannot be separated from the knowledge of what that existence is about. This point can be elaborated through an example for instance one sees a bottle of water. His eyes tell him that it is there. Since this person has the premise that what his eyes see is in fact real (or existing) it means that he knows that the bottle exists. When he say that it exists it means it has certain properties that indicate that it exists. No one can say that something exists without acknowledging the properties. Existence without the knowledge of its properties is even more illogical than deriving a conclusion that existence of self also encompasses the nature of self. When Renà © Descartes say that he thinks therefore he exists, it means that he is aware of what he is and what his nature is. Otherwise there is no existence. Every existence has its properties; be it divine authority like God or as trivial as a plastic water bottle. The objection of Descartes’s claim rests with the understanding of premise. If the critics accept the premise when Renà ©e says that something exists, he also bases this by understanding some properties.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Management skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management skill - Essay Example A part of the preparation process would also include elements such as preparing refreshments, making child care arrangements, ensuring adequate supplies of stationary and water and similar aspects. The third element is the actual meeting Process. This would involve the need to strike a balance between the (a) task dimension, which means what needs to be done in order to go through the necessary business for the meeting and (b) the maintenance dimension, which involves paying attention to the needs of those who will be present at the meeting and the interrelationships between them. The last element is the actual Practical action that is taken and the recording and evaluation of the outcomes of the meeting, through the inclusion of the minutes of meetings. This would also involve evaluating how people feel about the meetings and whether group problems have been identified and solved appropriately by the group. The Johari window of self images is a square containing 4 windows. Out of th e four windows, the one titled â€Å"My secrets† is the area that only the person concerned knows, while the window marked â€Å"my unconscious self† is the area that can be seen by no one, but which nevertheless, influences the individual’s personality. The window marked â€Å"my areas of ignorance† are those which cannot be seen by the person but can only be seen by others. Since this is an area that can only be seen by others, it is important that other people tell us about them in order for us to improve. Since the window marked â€Å"my unconscious self† is not visible to anyone, self disclosure is very important in order to illuminate this area through psychometric testing in order to illuminate what may be present in this window. The Myers Briggs test is the best indicator of personality type and is based upon self assessment that is derived from the inner mental processes. The five major mental processes are perceiving, judging, sensing, fe eling, thinking and intuition. Although all of the mental processes are used, most people tend to use one or the other to a greater or lesser extent and the degree to which the mental processes are used would constitute the kind of personality that the person has. Disclosure is very important in order to arrive at an evaluation and assessment of one’s inner traits and personality and to illuminate those areas which are not easily visible or evident to others. Since these are extremely private areas of one’s personality, it is not easy to extract pertinent information in this regard and people may be especially reluctant to disclose such information to others within a team context. One of the ways in which this process of disclosure can be facilitated is through explaining the relevance and importance of the Johari window testing. Individuals can build trust between themselves through the process of disclosing information about themselves, which would help them to learn more about themselves and build more trusting relationships with each other. The difficulties inherent in self disclosure are that it is difficult for individuals to divulge personal and uncomfortable details about themselves to other people. Disclosure in team settings can be