Saturday, December 28, 2019

Authorial Vs. Figural Narrative Situations in Coetzee’s...

Boyhood is a story of initiation with autobiographical characteristics when it comes to the content of the text. However, unlike the conventional narratological pattern of most autobiographies (first person, past tense), the narrator in Boyhood is an omniscient third person one, speaking in the present tense. The use of pronouns: â€Å"he,† â€Å"his mother,† â€Å"his father,† and â€Å"his brother,† rather than their names, enforces a sparse, universal feel, yet at the same time, Coetzee the individual, is evident and distinct. The fictional memoir is a combination of both authorial and figural narrative situations: the heterodiegetic narratological structure provides distance, a remove from the subject, but through psycho-narration we, as the implied†¦show more content†¦Coetzee purposefully creates this duality in the narratological structure in order to clearly illustrate his childhood self-portrait. The third person narration and the specifi c usage of â€Å"he† in place of â€Å"I† increases objectivity, but does not sound masked or artificial like one may think, because Coetzee, as the author, knows his projected self is transforming, protean, and abstract, and he wants the reader to acknowledge this mutable pattern. He intends for this ambiguity in the voice to reflect the ambiguity of his young character. The following line contains both the removed â€Å"he,† as well as internal focalization: â€Å"He is proud of how little he drinks. It will stand him in good stead, he hopes, if he is ever lost in the veld. He wants to be a creature of the desert, this desert, like a lizard† (83). Young Coetzee is the central character; the others only exist within the past story he is relaying. Thus, the immanent voice we receive from the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings is dominant over the distancing the third person narration creates. Overall, the authorial narrative situation creates a ga p between Coetzee’s younger self as a character and his modern self as the author and objective viewer (with the implied reader), yet the figural narrative structure clearly illustrates his perceived self and personality while growing up, by accessing his feelings and thoughts. He shares his life experiences with the reader, that helped shape the man he

Friday, December 20, 2019

Role Of A Good Role Model - 1285 Words

A good role model is the one who can be respected, admired, expected in some ways by employees within organization. Role modeling is influenced the workplace in terms of communication, performance and organizational behavior. A good role model able to gain credibility and team cohesion, he also can expect the subordinates to work with you closely. To ensure myself acted as a positive role model for my subordinates and others in workplace, I will follow the below guidelines: Follow the Company Policy Company has a set of policies and procedures to all employees to follow. Do follow all the good codes set by company and do not be the one who ignore them and have own set of standards and telling the subordinates do not follow. Make sure all medical, leave, holidays and payment procedures are accord to the procedures. Punctuality Every boss expects their staffs to reach office on time and do not like they late to work. In order to be a good role model, I have to punctual to work and to be early so that your subordinates can learn from you and you do not need to rushing around to organize the daily heavy task alone as you can able to brief the staffs in early to work before you have any other important task such as meetings and conference. Good leadership Being a manager means you must have self-discipline and leadership skills. If you can t lead then you shouldn t be in charge. Good leadership means being communicative, diplomatic but at the same time courageous to sayShow MoreRelatedRole Models Of A Good Role Model1330 Words   |  6 Pages1)A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.(the definition of role model, 2016). A good role model has to demonstrate multiple qualities . They are people who other employees look to in times of crisis and for support as well. 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A good role model needs to be someone othersRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Role Model?1058 Words   |  5 Pagesmakes a good role model and how can I ensure that I act as a role model for employees I supervise? It is said that role models in work places are no different to those elsewhere. In families, parents are role models. Managers are role models in the work place. They too, set an example. In work places, there are differences. It is suggested that other employees will only look to those whose work is better than their own, and show traits that they want to emulate. One way that workplace role modelRead More Barbie is a Good Role Model Essay1480 Words   |  6 PagesBarbie is a Good Role Model As a young girl the fondest memory was playing with all my Barbie dolls and having the time of my young youth. Getting new Barbie’s for my birthday and Christmas was the highlight for my friends and I every year, and comparing which dolls the others got with each other. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Auditor Independence Corporate Governance â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Auditor Independence Corporate Governance? Answer: Introduction The incidence of corporate failure is on the rise and in order to retain the confidence of the investors it becomes imperative to analyse the underlying reasons and thereby provide recommendations to avoid future bankruptcies. On the surface, the trigger for bankruptcy and subsequent liquidation is essentially the outstanding liabilities whose quantum far exceeds that of the available asset. However, the real cause in most of cases lies elsewhere which actually leads to the problem of the liabilities increasing to such an extent. Very rarely is this a short term phenomenon and usually the business inches towards bankruptcy in the long run. In order to analyse the role of liabilities in corporate bankruptcy, some actual corporate bankruptcies witnessed in Australia have been analysed so as to bring clarity on the matter besides offering recommendations for the future. Analysis In order to analyse the given problem, three cases have been selected to shed light on the various aspects that led to bankruptcy and to narrow down any common aspect which is noticeable in each of these cases. The three companies are ABC Learning, HIH Insurance and One Tel which essentially belonged to different sectors and have undergone bankruptcy in the first decade of the 21st century. ABC Learning The company came into existence in the late 1980s but post listing on the ASX, it shot into prominence owing to the ambitious plan for expanding the reach. In a short time period only, the company was able to scale the spread of ABC centres across various geographies in a bid to deliver superior returns to shareholders. However, the expansion strategy had one crucial flaw which was in the form of lowering service quality as the management seemed so obsessed with scaling the reach that quality took a back seat. As a result, the very strategy that was to deliver superior returns for shareholders destroyed their wealth (CPA, 2012). HIH Insurance The business started operations in 1968 but the growth phase of the company happened only post 1990. The company acquired a number of companies as it not only enhanced the geographical presence but also the insurance products on offer. The net result of this strategy was that by the turn of the century, the company had more than 100 subsidiaries with foray in different insurance segments coupled with geography. However, the company became bankrupt owing to the huge insurance contracts related liabilities. But, details revealed later clearly indicate that these were on account of imprudent risk management practices and concealing of the same through quid pro quo relation with the external auditor. This ensured the continuance of faulty business practices to such a period when there was no turning back (Mak, Deo Cooper, 2005). One Tel The company emerged as a prominent telecom player before filing for bankruptcy on account of huge business losses. However, this was not sudden and could be attributed to faulty sales penetration policy which led to huge losses which were then concealed through shoddy corporate reporting practices. To the external users, only the rise in market share and the subscriber base was highlighted and the losses were not reflected. As a result, the company management continued with the aggressive expansion policy which essentially contributed to the losses which became so large and eventually sustainable leading to company filing for bankruptcy (Monem, 2009). Causes of liquidation- ABC Learning When the company listed, it started expanding the presence of centres and announced an expansion plan which the management implemented with success and the stock price rose. However, in a bid to expand, the management lost the major strength of the company which was the quality of services. There was in increase in the complaint level which was faced due to lack of staff and hence the reputation of the company suffered. However, the management did not address these issues (Arens et. al., 2013). The sole concern of the management was to carry ahead with setting up more centres without considering the falling service standards and the overall impact on the brand. The company also acquired certain businesses so as to provide an entry into new markets. However, this intrinsically incorrect business strategy essentially backfired when the financial crisis began and the company had to file for bankruptcy (Kaplan, 2011). The downfall of the company could be attributed to the falling quality standards, shifting customer loyalty coupled with lapse in corporate governance issues and corporate reporting. An instance of shoddy corporate governance practice relates to favour in terms of lucrative maintenance contract and sponsorship being extended to a relative of a particular director. These instances lead to fall in investor confidence and filing of bankruptcy (CPA, 2012). Causes of liquidation- - HIH Insurance The company after the humble beginning made attempts to expand the business of the company through expansion strategy post 1990. With regards to business expansion, there is always the increased risk which need to be taken into consideration and the management is expected to take prudent actions to keep liabilities within control. However, the management at HIH insurance did not manage the risks and had to pay the price for this huge expansion by declaring bankruptcy (Mak, Deo Cooper, 2005). The insurance business is inherently risk and the various steps should be taken by the management taking into cognizance the associated business risk (Gay Simnett, 2012). However, this is found missing here as for enhancing the customer case in a new market (USA), the premiums were kept at so low level that the underlying risk become very high and thus, huge losses were sustained which could have been avoided through prudent management action. Besides, the acquisition strategy of the company wa s also flawed as apparent from the acquisition of FAI where due diligence was lacking and high premium was paid which put further strain on the business (Mirshekary, Yaftian Cross, 2005). Further, instead of following the provisioning norms for limiting underwriting risk, the management adopted the more risky and unsustainable reinsurance model and ventured into insurance of planes and ships which Is considered higher risky. Also, on account of quip pro quo relation with the external auditor, these glaring efficiencies were never brought to light and hence bankruptcy was inevitable for the company (Mak, Deo Cooper, 2005). Causes of liquidation - One Tel The key deficiency with One Tel was also a flawed management decision to expand business which taking the bottomline into consideration and then using the shoddy reporting practices and internal controls to hide the impact of these. As a result of the falling standards of corporate reporting, the internal and external decision making suffered since the financial statements could not be trusted. A contributory factor to this was that the internal controls were compromised by the top management and information was only selectively captured. The interest of the management only was solely on the subscriber base increase without considering if the shareholder wealth is being created by this practice or not. The losses arising from this strategy were concealed so that no external user could object (Gilbert, Joseph Terry, 2005). In relation to financial performance reporting, the comparison drawing was virtually impossible in an environment where the accounting policies had become so volatile. The sole concern for the choice of the accounting policies was that a stable performance could be presented to the shareholders which provide support to the share price. Hence, there was frequent switching of the applicable accounting policy so as to suit the agenda of the management and they had absolute control on the results reported as the independence of the external auditor was severely compromised. As a result, the faulty policies continued unabated amidst falling corporate governance norms and the only way for this to stop was the losses to become so huge that it virtually becomes impossible to conceal leading to bankruptcy which is what essentially transpired (Monem, 2009). Mismanagement Issues A common observation A common theme which is observable in all the above bankruptcy cases is the failure on part of the management in terms of wrong business strategy and then taking inappropriate (and at times illegal) measures to conceal the disastrous results of the same. Take for instance, ABC Learning where the management focus was essentially restricted only to expansion without taking requisite measures to stop the downfall in quality. It should have been obvious to them that such a strategy was not sustainable as essentially this would lead to erosion of brand, reputation and profits. However, the management made no attempts to rectify the issue at hand and instead compounded the problem by concealing the effect of such a policy. As a result, there was systematic deterioration of the financials which the management was aware but the failure on their part was the prime reason for the liabilities becoming so huge that liquidation was the only choice left for the company (Bhagat Bolton, 2008). For HIH Insurance, the ambitious expansion policy with minimal risk containment led to the downfall of the company. The management desired to venture into highly risky avenues in the insurance business and deployed aggressive premium pricing on one hand while on the other their risk management strategy was inherently wrong and inconsistent with the industry practice of deploying provisioning norms. Further, the decisions were taken without adequate consultation and due diligence and the impact of the same were concealed with the help of compromised independence of the external auditor. As a result, the business became a virtual time bomb and eventually exploded resulting in business liquidation (Mirshekary, Yaftian Cross, 2005). Further in relation to One Tel also, a similar observation can be made where an expansion of subscriber base was implemented in manner which led to huge losses but the management made no attempts to alter the strategy and instead tried to portray the strategy as a success. This ensured that they continued with the policy which eventually led to mounting losses and subsequent business failure (Brown Caylor, 2009). Recommendation The research that has been conducted using the three companies clearly indicate that the business failure is not the result of mounting liabilities but rather the wrong decisions taken by unethical management which have continued with the faulty practices for long by compromising the corporate reporting and corporate governance measures. Hence, the emphasis needs to be on ethical management for which the accountability of the top executives needs to be fixed which to an extent has been catered to by the enactment of Corporations Act 2001 which enlists the directors duties and also imposes punishment for violation of these (Arens et. al., 2013). Also, the improvement in corporate governance is essential so that the corporate disclosures and internal control mechanism can be strengthened. Two essential parameters in this regards are expanded role of non-executive directors and also ensuring the independence of the external auditor (Gay Simnett, 2012). This would go a long way in ensur ing that bankruptcy is not caused as the faulty business practices are brought to light on time. In the Australian context, measures have been taken to ensure the above two through CLERP reforms (Clout Chappelle Gandhi, 2009). Conclusion In accordance with the above discussion, that the actions of the management coupled with weak corporate governance norms seem to be responsible for the bankruptcy of business. This is the reason which effectively leads to mounting liabilities and eventually liquidation of business. The management strategy pursued in all the discussed cases was driven by the short term purview and did not aim at creating long term value for the shareholders. Also, the weak corporate governance norms and internal controls allowed the management to collude with the auditor leading to the concealment of all wrong policies till the time the losses become very huge. Prudent corporate governance measures coupled with higher auditor independence and higher accountability of directors would ensure that the incidence of these frauds tends to decrease and various steps have been taken by the government and regulators in this regard. References Arens, A., Best, P., Shailer, G. and Fiedler,I. (2013). Auditing, Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia, 2nd eds., Sydney: Pearson Australia Bhagat, S. and Bolton, B. (2008), Corporate Governance and Firm Performance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.14, No.3, pp. 257-273. Brown, L and Caylor, M. (2009), Corporate Governance and Firm Operating Performance, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 129-144. Clout, V, Chappelle, E and Gandhi, N (2013), The impact of auditor independence regulations on established and emerging firms,Accounting Research JournalVol. 26, No. 2, pp. 88-108 CPA (2012). ABC learning collapse case study., CPA Website, [online ] Available at [Accessed September 14, 2017] Gay, G. and Simnett, R. (2012), Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia, 5th eds., Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Gilbert, W., Joseph J. and Terry J.E (2005), The Use of Control Self-Assessment by Independent Auditors. The CPA Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 66-92 Kaplan, R.S. (2011). Accounting scholarship that advances professional knowledge and practice. The Accounting Review, Vol. 86, No.2, pp. 367383. Mak, T., Deo, H. and Cooper, K. (2005), Australias Major Corporate Collapse: Health International Holdings (HIH) Insurance May the Force Be with You, Journal of American Academy of Business, Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 104-112. Mirshekary, S., Yaftian, A. and Cross, D. (2005), Australian Corporate Collapse: The Case of HIH Insurance, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 9, No.3, pp. 249-58. Monem, R. (2009), The Life and Death of OneTel, Griffith University, [online] Available at [Accessed September 14, 2017]

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business Continuity and Emergency Planning †

Question: Discuss about the Business Continuity and Emergency Planning. Answer: Introduction: The learning experience I have gone through is an eye-opener in the cybersecurity sector. I have learned several ways which criminals use to carry out injustices to unsuspecting businesses, companies, and individuals. Cybercriminals often use viruses and malware to infiltrate the security and computing systems of business data by stealing, corrupting to suit their pre-planned ill-intentions (Labuschagne and Veerasamy 2013). As such, many businesses are raising the concern of their safety on the internet. Due to increased technological advancement, businesses are embracing use of the internet to streamline operations which in most cases put them at risk of cyber-attack. For example, many businesses are falling victims of extortion management, phishing attacks, and hackling which usually interfere with smooth operations of daily activities (Labuschagne and Veerasamy 2013). In particular, hacking of data systems of a company can paralyze its operations completely. The value of these experiences is very important as it has enabled me to know the techniques used by criminals to propagate cyberattacks. Therefore, through this learning experience, I have acquired basic skills of reducing and preventing cyberattack. For instance, in a situation where an attack takes place, the company can make changes to all default passwords to secure access to the system (Scully 2014). Other valuable experiences include; adjusting and removing administrative rights, and training of staff on the importance of guarding confidential information. Additionally, companies can encourage password rotation to break down security familiarity and consistent identification and application of missing security patches (Jing et al. 2014). How this learning process will be useful to me This learning experience will serve me well in my course by broadening my understanding of information technology sector. Most importantly, techniques used by cybercriminals to steal confidential information and paralyze operations of various organizations management. Moreover, this learning experience has helped me understand and acquire research skills which are often an asset to any learning institution. My program has got a boost as far as deep understanding is concerned. In particular, I have got exposed to more literature, case studies, real-life examples how cyberattack has affected businesses and companies. Those insights have solidified my knowledge base on this program. I am quite more knowledgeable now as compared to when I started the program. From what I learned on challenges associated with a cyber-attack, I intend to specialize in cybersecurity. This has been inspired by attacks on big multinational companies like Google where their Chinese headquarters detected a security breach which revealed that hackers gained access to the main server and stole their intellectual property in 2009 (Tan and Tan 2012). As such, I would like to prevent such attacks in the future. Generally, this learning experience has enabled me to understand that cyberattack can be propagated not only through company computers but also through our smartphones (Labuschagne and Veerasamy 2013). I, therefore, plan to advise friends and families to careful with their phones to prevent theft of confidential information. It is also important to avoid using personal phones in accessing company servers as this makes is prone to attack. Objective description of what happened in the learning process The learning process began by coming up with the research topic. After wide consultation with my instructor, I settled on, "challenges in cybersecurity for businesses." I was concerned with the fact that both small and multinational companies are experiencing problems associated with cyber-attacks which lead to loss of revenue and confidential information. After reading a lot of literature on various companies that faced cyber-attacks and combining with the course materials, I specified my objectives for the study. The primary objective of the study being, to describe the effects of cybersecurity for both small and large business enterprises. Further, since cybersecurity is quite broad, I did set boundaries of my study. In particular, I settled on challenges in cybersecurity for companies' operations. Consequently, I consulted various pieces of literature which solidified my objectives that cybersecurity is a problem to small and big business. In the process of my research, I read that challenges in cybersecurity are propagated through data breaches, cloud computing, hacking, social networks, and mobile devices (Kim, Wang, and Ullrich 2012). Nevertheless, I read on mitigation strategies to these challenges, for example, using passwords to access organizational systems management (Scully 2014). Furthermore, I designed the research methodologies what would guide sample size and population, research design, data collection and analysis and even set my research schedule to guide my study. Evaluation of what I learned Business research techniques have been helpful in the process of this study. In particular, I learned how to frame my research topic o be simple, clear, and understandable. Moreover, when it came to designing the objectives, I learned of the primary objective, which is the core of the research topic and secondary objectives which helped me not to deviate from the main course of my research (Cooper, Schindler, and Sun 2006). More often, many researchers tend to deviate from the main topic of study and include things that tend to be general. Fortunately, through the help of business research guidelines, I designed clear and simple research questions that limited my parameters of study which helped me stay focused on the topics. Furthermore, owing to the various research designs, I chose the right approach of this study, which makes it valid in the academic arena. I also learned of many data collection and analysis techniques but settled on the most appropriate courtesy on insights learned on business research. For instance, I chose qualitative approach since it requires a small sample from the cybersecurity of businesses to represent the whole or the entire population is small (Cooper, Schindler, and Sun 2006). As such, skills from business research led to the successful completion of this study. From this research process on challenges of cybersecurity for businesses, I learned how identity theft can damage a reputation of a company or an individual. In many cases, individuals have committed suicide, and companies close down because of a cyber-attack. For example, Monica Lewinsky has explained how cyberattack cost her privacy to the extent she felt like committing suicide (Williams and Delli Carpini 2000). Notably, small and big businesses have fallen prey of cyber-attacks. Broadly, in American politics, there was alleged hacking of the presidential elections which shows how cyber-attacks can be very detrimental to our lives. Therefore, these injustices formed my hypothesis that cyber-attacks affect both small and big business operations. Nonetheless, I focused on businesses since they influence our economy and the well-being of the society. Large companies like Google have been affected by cyber-attacks which often result in loss of confidential information and consequently the destruction of businesses (Tan and Tan 2012). Therefore, this learning process is important to the academic and business communities globally. A plan of how I will apply what I have learned Lessons learned from this research will form the basis of pursuing further career opportunities. Most businesses and organizations are embracing technology which put their operations and data at the mercy of cyber attackers. Intrinsically, I am tempted to pursue a career in cybersecurity to offer preventive and protective technologies to the business community, more so the small businesses. Even before enrolling for cybersecurity program, I can now sensitize my friends, families, and small businesses on the importance of taking measures to protect their data such as using passwords. This will to some extent help people especially, with the growing number of people using smartphones to conduct business. Considering the fact that I aspire to have my own company, I am now convinced on the right company to set up. Cybersecurity Solutions Company. I must say that through this research study, I have identified more business opportunities which can help solve businesses challenges in the community. Most small businesses believe that cybersecurity strategies are very expensive and thus opt to operate without taking such precautions (Prince and King 2012). As such, I will take an initiative of offering effective low-cost solutions to small businesses. References Cooper, D.R., Schindler, P.S. and Sun, J., 2006.Business research methods(Vol. 9). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Jing, Q., Vasilakos, A.V., Wan, J., Lu, J. and Qiu, D., 2014. Security of the internet of things: Perspectives and challenges.Wireless Networks,20(8), pp.2481-2501. Kim, S.H., Wang, Q.H. and Ullrich, J.B., 2012. A comparative study of cyberattacks.Communications of the ACM,55(3), pp.66-73. Labuschagne, W.A. and Veerasamy, N., 2013, July. Dangers of Social Networking Sites?the Propagation of Malware. InProceedings of the 12th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security: ECIW 2013(p. 173). Academic Conferences Limited. Prince, D. and King, N., 2012. Small Business Cyber Security Survey 2012. Scully, T., 2014. The cyber security threat stops in the boardroom.Journal of business continuity emergency planning,7(2), pp.138-148. Tan, J. and Tan, A.E., 2012. Business under threat, technology under attack, ethics under fire: The experience of Google in China.Journal of business ethics,110(4), pp.469-479. Williams, B.A. and Delli Carpini, M.X., 2000. Unchained reaction: The collapse of media gatekeeping and the ClintonLewinsky scandal.Journalism,1(1), pp.61-85.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Polio Vaccine free essay sample

The Polio epidemic happened, each of the 48 states at the time had rampant cases of Polio. The un-curable disease had taken over America. Poliomyelitis is an infectious viral disease that attacks the nerve cells and sometimes the central nervous system; it is caused by the destruction of nerve cells in the spinal cord. Polio often causes muscle wasting, paralysis, and even death. 1 In surveys of what Americans feared most, Polio came in second to the Atomic Bomb. Children were the main target of Polio and until Dr. Jonas Salk’s Polio Vaccine that became available in 1952, there was no cure for the disease Polio was often called infantile paralysis because the majority of the infected were elementary school children. â€Å"It must have been profoundly difficult in that first quarter-century of polio. How helpless parents must have felt to know that there was this killer that could come each summer, and that nothing they could do could safeguard their children. We will write a custom essay sample on The Polio Vaccine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every sniffle, every cold, every muscle cramp, every temper tantrum that a child exhibited in the long, hot days of summer and early autumn were potential symptoms of polio. How long could a family show good spirits in front of a child confined to an iron lung, or later, during the two or more years a child might spend in rehabilitative therapy. † This quote is really significant in the fear that polio had over people. Every parent had no way to defend their kids from the disease. Sending children to school was extremely difficult because many schools were shut down from massive outbreaks of polio. Not only schools but also every other public place; restaurants, grocery store, movie theaters, etc. No one would leave the comfort of their own home, and even then they weren’t safe from Polio, they were just safer there than anywhere else. 2 A very notable case of Polio was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Even though it was children who were especially vulnerable, Adults could catch the disease as well. In 1921, FDR had contracted Polio and he became paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. Later on in 1937, Roosevelt advocated for The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Roosevelt’s foundation established The March of Dimes that helped to fund money to find a cure and resist the disease. March of Dimes was really successful in raising money to help fight against the disease. 3 Polio quickly moved from city to city taking no pity on any of its victims. The disease got stronger among the nation. It became surreal-like as demonstrated by this quote by Richard Aldrich M. D. , â€Å"The first summer when I was home in Minnesota was that gosh-awful polio epidemic they had there. We admitted 464 proven cases of polio just at the University Hospital, which is unbelievable. And this was a very severe paralytic form. Maybe two or three hours after a lot of these kids would come in with a stiff neck or a fever, theyd be dead. It was unbelievable. It was just loads of people that came in, sometimes with only a fever but usually a headache and a little stiffness in the neck. And just absolutely terrified. At the height of the epidemic, the people in Minneapolis were so frightened that there was nobody in the restaurants. There was practically no traffic, the stores were empty. It just was considered a feat of bravado almost to go out and mingle in public. A lot of people just took up and moved away, went to another city. †4 What really frustrated people is that there really wasn’t anything they could do. As previously stated, Hospitals were pass there limit of people that could be emitted into the hospital. They couldn’t just turn them away, so they took in everyone who came through the door. This was problematic because the Doctor-Patient ratio was very unbalanced. Not everyone was able to get attention right away and within a couple hours, the disease completely overtook them and they were dead. Every year more and more cases of paralytic polio were occurring. In 1933 there were only 5000 cases and ten years later in 1943, the number of cases was more than double with 12,000 cases. In 1950 there was 33,000 cases. Polio seemed to be moving north to east. Polio shifted from the eastern side of North America and began making its way across the entire United States. Then in 1952 the Polio Epidemic occurred with 59,000 proven cases of paralytic polio. 5 By then, polio epidemics were second only to the atomic bomb in surveys of what Americans feared most. Bomb and virus alike were terrible agents of destruction that might arrive at any moment to devastate a family, a community, or an entire nation. The disease seemed like an omnipresent threat, and its cure became a national responsibility. Epidemics struck other countries, but never as heavily as here. America was the center of polio, and the place where people knew they must work first, and fastest, to end it. They gave their time and money to help the growing swell of victims and to find a way to stem the rising tide of injury. When the call came, they even volunteered their children, millions of them, to test a new vaccine. The fear that had once driven Americans apart was now the force that pulled them together. This quote defines the 1952 Polio Epidemic and the strong fear that Americans had. The worst hit areas to date were Texas, Iowa, Ohio, Nebraska, and the worst were in New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusets. 7 The Most significant figure during this time was Dr. Jonas Salk. Jonas Salk was born October 28, 1914 in New York City. He was the eldest son of Russian immigrant parents. His parents, like many immigrants of the time, were uneducated, but determined that their sons should have formal educations and achieve American success. Salk attended Townsend Harris High School, one of the finest public high schools in New York. He became the first member of his family to go to college. As a medical student and later a researcher at the University of Michigan, Salk studied viruses, such as influenza, and ways to vaccinate against them. In 1947, Salk became head of the Virus Research Lab at the University of Pittsburgh. He began investigating the polio virus. 8 On July 2, 1952, Salk tried a refined vaccine on children whod already had polio and recovered. After the vaccination, their antibodies increased. He then tried it on volunteers who had not had polio, including himself, his wife, and their children. The volunteers all produced antibodies, and none received polio. One of the newest and most hopeful weapons in the fight against polio is a blood fraction called gamma globulin. It is a rich storehouse of the disease fighting antibodies. Also, injections of this would reduce measles in children. There has been evidence that gamma globulin could also destroy polio before it reaches the nervous system, disrupting its paralyzing effects. 6 In 1953, Salk reported his findings in The Journal of the American Medical Association. A nationwide testing of the vaccine was launched in April 1954 with the mass inoculation of school children. Before the polio vaccine, 13,000 to 20,000 people were paralyzed by polio. About 1,000 people died from it each year in the United States alone. The results of Salk’s vaccine were a 60 -70 percent prevention of Polio. The public was ecstatic with Salk’s marvelous creation. It was the gift that the American Public waited for years and years to get. Because of the Vaccine, Many universities awarded Salk honorary degrees, he was given a Congressional Gold Medal, and France made him a member of the Legion of Honor. â€Å"Fifty years ago, on April 12, 1955, the world heard one of the most eagerly anticipated announcements in medical history: Dr. Jonas Salks polio vaccine worked. The vaccine turned a disease that once horrified America into a memory. † There was one incident that took place with Salk’s vaccine that put American’s hope in the dumpsters. About 200 cases of the disease were caused by Salk’s vaccine and 11 people died. All testing was halted because the American people didn’t feel safe anymore. Investigators found that the disease-causing vaccine all came from one poorly made batch at one drug-company. This resulted in higher production standards that were adopted and vaccinations resumed. By August of 1955 four million vaccinations were given and the impact was dramatic. In 1955, there were 28,985 cases of polio. In 1956, there were 14,647 cases. In 1957, there were 5,894 cases. The number of cases kept declining with the number of vaccinations given, and by 1959, 90 other countries used Salks vaccine. Although the last known case of polio in the Western hemisphere was reported in 1991 and there has not been a case in Western Asia since 1997, polio is still rampant in South Asia, West Africa, and Central Africa. Approximately 5,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Although that represents a 90% decrease in just the last ten years.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How College Students Can Avoid Getting Sick

How College Students Can Avoid Getting Sick How College Students Can Avoid Getting Sick There is a high risk of catching a cold, flu or another virus in winter, which will make you stay in bed for a week or even two. It is extremely bad for students who miss classes, do not study enough to get a good grade, and as the result, their academic performance is lower than their classmates’. Now we are going to tell you about 5 effective ways how not to get sick during winter epidemic hits. Wash Your Hands and use Sanitizer It is important to wash your hands as frequently as possible during winter, and we do not talk about quick rinse under the water. It should be at least one-minute-long and definitely with soap. It is necessarily especially for those students, whose roommates or other close people are sick. Such easy procedure allows us to keep gems away. Of course, it is better to live in another room for a while if your roommate is sick. What is more, remember not to touch your nose and eyes with your hands if you have not washed or sanitized them. Stayed Hydrated In order to fight gems and infections of different kinds, your body need water. Yes, water, but not other liquids like coffee, tea, soda etc. On the contrary, they can dehydrate you even more. In addition to that, try to keep membranes of your mouth and nose soft. Otherwise, there may be tiny cracks, which will allow viruses to get into your organism, and they can result in you getting sick. Eat Right The immune system is extremely important means of fighting any illness, but it is powerless against viruses if it is not boosted. One of the factors, which influence your immune system is food. It is important to eat right, and that means that you have to eat more nutritious food and less nutritious empty or junk food. Doctors say that it is important to eat a lot of: Fresh fruits and vegetables; A lot of milk and cheese, as it contains protein, which supports body’s detoxification processes; Coconut oil, which contains substances, similar to breast milk, which helps to strength the immune system of the baby. Fresh garlic and onions; The superfood chlorella, which fights with toxins in your organism. Get Enough Rest Students, who do not sleep enough because they need to prepare for exams, are more likely to catch a cold or a virus because rest and immune system are interconnected. So, think twice before you decide to stay up all night studying, as you may get sick for more than a week and study even less than when you sleep at night and study only several hours during the day. Do not Share Of course, it is kind of you to share your food with your roommate or classmates, but not at the times of epidemic hits, as you can get sick or somebody else can catch the flu because of you. It is not only food, which you shouldn’t share, but also towels, cups, lipsticks, or other things, which can carry viruses or help them to spread. It is also better not to use any public utensils in cafes or college cafeterias, as they can carry gems as well. It is much better to take a napkin or bring the food with you. If your roommate has the flu, try not to touch the same objects. Of course, it may be a bit difficult, as there may be a lot of things, you share, but there can be gems on them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Push and pull factors in Syrian migration Assignment - 4

Push and pull factors in Syrian migration - Assignment Example About 100  000 refugees have also managed to get asylum in European countries. David Williams also concurs with this by stating that â€Å"An average of almost 5,000 Syrians are fleeing into neighbouring countries every day.† This has resulted in the officials warning of the need for more humanitarian aid to the support communities. Many Syrians have been forced out of their homes and ultimately their country as a result of raging war. There is no peace in this country as a result of the war and it is hardly possible to live in such a place. It can also be seen that homes and other necessary infrastructure have been destroyed as a result of this war. As a result, the Syrians are left with no option but to migrate to other areas that are believed to be safe. Many people who have migrated from the war torn Syria have sought refuge in neighbouring countries as well as other European countries. These people are often forced to seek asylum or refuge as a result of the fact that they are left with nowhere to stay after their homes have been destroyed in the raging civil war in their country. Some people are also encouraged to migrate to other destinations by the favourable conditions thought to exist there. However, not all of them find their lives rosy in these far away destinations such as Europe. Yardly Jim and Planigiani, Gaia aptly state that â€Å"Having risked their lives in hopes of settling in prospering Northern Europe, many Syrians found themselves trapped in the south, living illegally in Italy, hiding from the police, as they tried to sneak past border guards and travel north to apply for asylum.† There are some lucky ones who have successfully applied for refuge and some have found employment. As a result of tough European laws on migration as well as asylum seeking, many people have found themselves trapped in these far off destinations believed to be safe havens. The children as well as the education sector have not been spared by the